With regular payments your customers can rest assured they will never miss a payment again.
e2eFX lets your traders set up regular payments (also known as payment templates) for your customers with ease. Set the frequency, payment currencies, amounts or values and even beneficiaries. They can be set to automatically execute deals or notify traders and customers that it is coming up.
Traders don't have to copy and paste old deal details or re-type the same deal every period. Multiple payments can all be se up as well and are easily recalled from the trading screen, no searching through old deal records for the information or dealing with customers that can't rememberthe beenficiary details while they are on the phone with you.
- Flexible scheduling: Setup customers regular payments until they cancel or until a specific date; weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly; select a specific day of the week.
- Fix your amount: The customer can lock the foreign amount or the settlement amount.
- Automatic processing: Every night e2eFX will fulfill the customer regular payments sending emails to the customer and trader.
Quickly set deals for reoccuring periods, multiple templates can be saved per customer as well.
Quick look - Regular payments are excellent for customers that always need a payment to be sent at the same intervals like a payroll, foreign property mortgage or foreign tuition.